Issue - decisions

21/00058 - Updated 2021-22 and 2022-23 Admissions Arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled schools

29/07/2021 - 21/00058 - Updated 2021-22 and 2022-23 Admissions Arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled schools

Following the implementation of the new 2021 School Admissions Code, as Cabinet Member for Education and Skills,I determine:

a)    Updated admission arrangements for Kent community and voluntary controlled primary schools for 2021-22 as detailed in Appendix A


b)      Updated admission arrangements for Kent community and voluntary controlled primary schools for 2022-23 as detailed in Appendix B


c)      Updated admission arrangements for Kent community and voluntary controlled secondary schools for 2021-22 as detailed in Appendix C


d)      Updated admission arrangements for Kent community and voluntary controlled secondary schools for 2022-23 as detailed in Appendix D