Issue - decisions

21/00109 - Kings Hill Solar Park

10/12/2021 - 21/00109 - Kings Hill Solar Park

As Cabinet Member for Environment, I agree to:


1. The deployment of grant funding from the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (decision 21/00034) for the procurement and management of works for the construction of the Kings Hill Solar Park;


2. Approve the policy determining appropriate use of the electricity produced by the solar park, in line with the requirement to reduce KCC’s carbon emissions;


3. Delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Growth, Environment and Transport to take relevant actions, including, but not limited to, entering into contract and other legal agreements as required to arrange and deliver the ongoing management of the solar park once operational; and


4. Delegate authority to the Director of Infrastructure, in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance, Corporate and Traded Services, and the Cabinet Member for Environment, to enter into all necessary legal agreements for the delivery and the construction of the project, including purchase of the site.