Issue - decisions

22/00002 - School Funding Arrangements for 2022-23

21/02/2022 - 22/00002 - School Funding Arrangements for 2022-23

As Cabinet Member for Education and Skills, I agree to:


  1. Transfer 1% of the Schools Block (which equates to approximately to £10.0m) into the High Needs Block for 2022-23.


  1. In relation to the Kent local funding formula for schools:


i.               Continue with the Falling Roll fund for 2022-23.


ii.              Set the local Minimum Funding Guarantee percentage at 0.5% for 2022-23 for primary and secondary schools.


iii.             Set the Ever 6 Free School Meals Factor for 2022-23 as per the value in the table below:



2022-23 (£ per pupil)







iv.            Set the Basic Entitlement Factor for 2022-23 as per the value in the table below:



2022-23 (£ per pupil)









v.              All other factors within the current local funding formula to be set as per the National Funding Formula (NFF), with most increasing between 2-3% compared to 2021-22. 


  1. Increase the base rate paid to Early Years providers for Free entitlement provision by 17p for three- and four-year olds and 21p for two-year olds.


  1. Increase the factor values of the Special Schools funding formula, Alternative Provision/Pupil Referral Units and Specialist Resource Provisions by 4%. Mainstream top-up rates to increase by 1.25% in line with the increase in the national insurance rise.


  1. Delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Children, Young People and Education to make any further necessary changes to funding rates in light of any final affordability issues.