Issue - decisions

22/00025 - Bearsted Road Highway Improvement Scheme

13/04/2022 - 22/00025 - Bearsted Road Highway Improvement Scheme

As Cabinet Member for Highways and Transportation, I give approval for the County Council to:


              i.        adopt the Bearsted Road dualling scheme shown on Drg. No. 70040984-SK-0086 for development control, land charge disclosures and implementation;


            ii.        retain the current scheme for widening Bearsted Road to three lanes scheme shown on Drg. No. 70040984-SK-0087;


           iii.        delegate the decision to decide which of the two scheme options (Drg. No. 70040984-SK-0086 or Drg. No.70040984-SK-0087) is delivered to the Corporate Director of Growth, Environment & Transport under the Officer Scheme of Delegations following the views of this Committee and after prior consultation with the Cabinet Member;


           iv.        give authority to enter into the appropriate land, development and funding agreements and the award of the construction contract, and all other acts and consents and any subsidiary contracts required to allow the scheme to be implemented;


            v.        delegate to the Corporate Director of Growth, Environment & Transport, under the Officer Scheme of Delegations following prior consultation with the Cabinet Member, any further or other decisions as may be appropriate to deliver the Bearsted Road scheme; and


           vi.        confirm that other decisions in Record of Decision 18/00026 remain extant.