Issue - decisions

22/00037 - Urgent Decision implementation of Homes for Ukraine Scheme in Kent

05/04/2022 - 22/00037 - Implementation of Homes for Ukraine Scheme in Kent

As Leader of the Council, I agree to:


1.    accept the funding from Government required to deliver the ‘Homes for Ukraine Scheme' in Kent;


2.    approve the establishment of the infrastructure and other necessary arrangements required to support the implementation of the scheme;


3.    authorise the Corporate Director for Finance to allocate funding in accordance with the Homes for Ukraine Scheme government guidance and implement the payments as set out by the scheme to enable delivery in Kent in accordance with the principles set out in the decision report and the proposed Funding Framework;


4.    delegate authority to the Corporate Director for Finance, after consultation with the Leader to update, review and amend the distribution of funding to deliver the Homes for Ukraine Programme and/or in response to changing need;


5.    delegate authority to the Corporate Director for Finance, after consultation with the Leader, to accept additional subsequent funding made available by Government where it is designed to support this and closely related Schemes, for deployment in accordance with relevant funding frameworks; and


6.    delegate authority to the Corporate Director for Finance to take other appropriate actions, including but not limited to entering into contracts or other legal agreements as required to implement this decision.