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  • Issue
  • Issue - decisions

    22/00112 - M20 Junction 7 Capacity Improvements

    20/01/2023 - 22/00112 - M20 Junction 7 Capacity Improvements

    As Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, I agree to:


    1. Subject to a successful bid, delegate to the Corporate Director of Finance the authority to accept up to £5.4m of Community Infrastructure Levy funding from Maidstone Borough Council to deliver the M20 Junction 7 Capacity Improvements scheme aimed at reducing congestion, queuing, and air pollution.


    1. Adopt the M20 Junction 7 Capacity Improvements scheme shown on Drg. Nos. 70040984-GA-0101 T01 and 70040984-GA-0102 T01 for implementation.


    1. Delegate to the Corporate Director of Growth, Environment & Transport the authority to enter into the appropriate land, development and funding agreements and the award of the construction contract, and all other acts and consents and any subsidiary contracts required to allow the scheme to be implemented.


    1. Delegate to the Corporate Director of Growth, Environment & Transport, under the Officer Scheme of Delegations following prior consultation with the Cabinet Member, any further or other decisions as may be appropriate to deliver the M20 Junction 7 scheme.