Issue - decisions

23/00006 - Changes to the KCC local funding formula for schools

22/02/2023 - 23/00006 - Changes to the KCC local funding formula for schools

As Cabinet Member for Education and Skills, I agree to:


a.       Transfer 1% of the Schools Block (which equates to approximately to £12m) into the High Needs Block for 2023-24.


b.       In relation to the Kent local funding formula for schools in 2023-24:


i.         Continue with the Falling Roll fund.


ii.        Set the local Minimum Funding Guarantee percentage at 0% for primary and secondary schools.


iii.       Set the Minimum Per Pupil Funding Level (MPPFL) as per the value in the table below:




iv.       All other factors within the current local funding formula to be set as per the National Funding Formula (NFF) less 1.7%. 


c.        In relation to Kent’s High Needs formula:


i.         4.3% inflationary increase for High Needs Formula budgets including SEN Inclusion Fund, Mainstream Top Up Funding, Specialist Resource Provisions in mainstream schools, Special Schools, Alternative Provision, FE Colleges and Specialist Post 16 Provisions.


ii.        The Special School Minimum Funding Guarantee to be set at 3% for the period between 2021-22 and 2023-24 in line with government statutory guidance.


iii.       The threshold for the additional mainstream top up funding (also known as SEN Notional Budget top Up) to be set at 40% of a schools notional SEN budget.


d.       In relation to Kent’s Early Years Funding Formula for 2023-24:


i.         The Base Rate for three- and four-year olds free entitlement to be set at £4.55 per hour and the Free for Two-year old hourly rate to be set at £5.68 per hour.


ii.        The Quality Supplement for three- and four-year old to be set at £1.05 per hour for those settings with a nominated leader with a Qualified Teacher Status and employed on and paid under the Statutory Teachers’ Terms and Conditions.


iii.       The Disability Access Fund criteria to be extended to include two-year olds as well as three- and four-year olds (and to be reviewed for 2025-26)


e.       Delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Children, Young People and Education to make any further necessary changes to funding rates in light of any final affordability issues.