Issue - decisions

23/00033 - Acceptance of Additional Government Pothole Funding

18/04/2023 - 23/00033 - Acceptance of Additional Government Pothole Funding

As Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, I agree:


i)          To accept additional Government Pothole Funding award of £6,054,800 for a pothole and patching programme;


(ii)        To delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Growth, Environment and Transport to award and enter appropriate contractual arrangements, including any necessary extensions, subject to performance and contract terms as necessary to deliver the programme;


(iii)       To confirm that the funding will be used for pothole and patching in accordance with the authorities proposed approach to Asset Management (key decision 21/00028) and is in addition to the capital programme budget agreed at County Council in February 2023; 


(iv)       To delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Growth, Environment and Transport, after consultation with the S151 officer and the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport to accept further Pothole Grant Funding, subject to the grant conditions being acceptable.