Issue - decisions

23/00041 - Policy adoption of the KCC Developer Contributions Guide

12/07/2023 - 23/00041 - Policy adoption of the KCC Developer Contributions Guide

As Cabinet Member for Economic Development, I agree to:


(i)         proceed with formal adoption of the updated Developer Contributions Guide;


(ii)        approve the service standards and methodology for calculating development mitigation contained within;


(iii)       delegate to the Director of Growth and Communities to sign off any subsequent reviews/updates and changes to approaches to contribution calculation methodologies on behalf of the County Council other than for when either a contribution rate is required to be increased beyond inflation or the introduction of a new contribution request,


(iv)       delegate to the Director of Growth and Communities to take appropriate actions including, but not limited to, KCC entering into legal agreements, legal charges, and negotiation of contributions for planning applications of proven viability concern, as necessary to implement this decision; and


(v)        to confirm the use of the BCIS All-In Tender price index (or ROADCON where required by Public Rights of Way or Highways), with the base date for indexation set at Quarter 1 2022.