Issue - decisions

23/00093 - Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan 2024-39 and Kent Mineral and Waste Development Scheme Update

05/12/2023 - 23/00093 - Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan 2024-39 and Kent Mineral and Waste Development Scheme Update

As Leader of the Council (in post of Cabinet Member for Environment), I:


A.    Recommend that County Council:


(i)             Approve, and publish for public consultation, a Pre-Submission Draft of the Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan 2024-39 for representations on soundness and legal compliance:


(ii)            Agree to submit the Pre-Submission Draft of Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan 2024-39 to Government for Independent Examination into its soundness and legal compliance following the representation period;



(iii)          Agree to request the examination Inspector to recommend changes (‘main modifications’) needed to ensure the soundness of the Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan; and


(iv)          Delegate powers to the Corporate Director for Growth, Environment & Transport to, in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member,


                                               i.     Agree main modifications with the Inspector and to publish them for representations on soundness and legal compliance;

                                              ii.     Approve any non-material changes to the draft Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan 2024-39;


        B. Note the timetable for work related to mineral and waste planning policy in Kent.