Issue - decisions

23/00110 - Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking (UAS) children Support and Accommodation

21/12/2023 - 23/00110 - Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking (UAS) children Support and Accommodation

As Cabinet Member for Integrated Children Services, I agree to:


a)    APPROVE the policy approach to securing and delivering additional accommodation and support for Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking (UAS) children, as detailed in the report;


b)   CONFIRM the revised property and infrastructure requirements for the service in light of the updated UAS children accommodation approach;


c)    NOTE the current position and the measures already taken by the Council.


d)   NOTE that the capital costs and operating costs are expected to be reimbursed by Central Government;


e)    DELEGATE authority to the Corporate Director of Children, Young People and Education to take required actions, including but not limited to agreeing funding arrangements in consultation with the Corporate Director of Finance and entering into contracts or other legal agreements and undertaking relevant service review or redesign, to establish and enter operational arrangements both in relation to existing and new arrangements, as noted in the report, to implement the policy decision and ensure lawful compliance of the Councils statutory duties relating to UAS children service provision; and


f)     DELEGATE authority to the Director of Infrastructure to, in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance, Corporate and Traded Services and the Corporate Director for Children, Young People and Education, implement the relevant building works, finalise and enter into necessary contracts, funding or other legal agreements (including the completion of land transfers and acquisitions), and reallocate properties from the disposal list, to implement this decision.