Issue - decisions

24/00050 - Disposal of the Former Rosemary Centre, 189 High Road, Wilmington DA2 7DP

29/05/2024 - 24/00050 - Disposal of the Former Rosemary Centre, 189 High Road, Wilmington DA2 7DP

As Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance, Corporate and Traded Services, I agree to:


1.        Approve the sale of the property for £1.274m under the auction terms and conditions;


2.        Confirm the Director of Infrastructure’s decision under delegated authority to dispose of the property known as Rosemary Centre PRU, 189 High Road, Wilmington DA2 7DP, noting that the property’s performance at auction exceeded the expectations underpinning the original disposal plan; and


3.        Delegate authority to the Director of Infrastructure, in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance, Corporate and Traded Services to finalise the sale and take other actions including but not limited to, entering into relevant contracts or other legal agreements, as necessary to implement this decision.