As Cabinet Member for Education and Skills, I agree to:
(a) Approve the proposal to the School Funding Forum that funding for the following services should be provided from the schools’ budgets in line with the funding all schools receive under the National Funding Formula, as is currently the case for Academies, and that the Council no longer provides its own additional funding for these purposes:
• School improvement and intervention support for maintained schools and PRUs;
• Moderation of national curriculum key stage assessments;
• Support to governing bodies when recruiting their headteacher; and
• Redundancy and associated pension costs relating to school staff.
(b) Delegate authority, subject to the agreement by the School Funding Forum to the proposals and the final outcome reflecting the Policy decision made above by the Cabinet Member, to the Corporate Director for Children, Young People and Education to take relevant actions including but not limited to entering into relevant contracts or other legal agreements as required, to implement the required changes to give effect to the decision.