As Cabinet Member for Education and Skills, I agree to:
a. Commence the statutory prescribed alterations process by publishing a notice of proposed changes to the designation of specific special schools maintained by Kent Council, which are affected by the Special School Review;
b. Delegate authority to the Director of SEND to issue the Public Notice;
c. Request that specific Academy Trusts affected by the Special School Review apply to the Secretary of State under the ‘making significant changes to an academy’ process to change the type of SEN provision made in the special Academies affected by the Special School Review, and to confirm that KCC will support that application;
d. Introduce a school-to-school support model for mainstream and special schools in Kent to collaborate through outreach and/or in-reach arrangements; and
e. Delegate authority for the Director of SEND, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Education and Skills to take relevant actions including but not limited to entering into relevant contracts or other legal agreements as required, to implement the decision.