Issue - decisions

24/00100 - Property Accommodation Strategy - Strategic Headquarters (SHQ)

20/12/2024 - 24/00100 - Property Accommodation Strategy - Strategic Headquarters (SHQ)

The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance, Corporate and Traded Services to:


1)    AGREE to continue the disposal of Sessions House in its entirety (Blocks A-E);  


2)    ALLOCATE £20m as identified in the Council’s 2023-33 Capital Programme Budget, approved by County Council on 9 February 2023 to deliver the proposed works, inclusive of costs incurred to date (£1.65m) as part of the SHQ Programme for Invicta House to accommodate the new Strategic Headquarters (SHQ) arrangement, followed by the award of a construction works contract as necessary to deliver the scheme and any required decant within the agreed budget limits; 


3)    NOTE that the provision of a dedicated Council Chamber in Invicta House is additional to the scope of the previous decision and will require additional capital funding to be allocated through the Budget setting process;  


4)    AGREE to progress with the inclusion of a new Council Chamber located in Invicta House within the approved SHQ plan, subject to completion of detailed design development at RIBA Stage 4 and appropriate capital funding allocation through the Budget setting process.


5)    DELEGATE authority to the Director of Infrastructure, subject to the above progression requirements being met and in consultation with the Leader, the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance, Corporate and Traded Services, s151 Officer and the Monitoring Officer, to approve required works and to negotiate, finalise and award relevant contracts in relation to the dedicated Council Chamber; and 


6)    DELEGATE authority to the Director of Infrastructure in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance, Corporate and Traded Services, Corporate Director of Finance, and General Counsel, to authorise the execution of necessary contractual and land agreements and enter into other contracts or legal agreements as required to implement the decision.