As Cabinet Member for Community and Regulatory Services I agree:
· To ENDORSE Kent County Council acting as the accountable and host body for the Active Kent & Medway Partnership and permit the acceptance of funding to support the delivery of the Kent & Medway Strategic Framework for Sport and Physical Activity 2023-2027. (Move Together - ActiveKent)
· To ENDORSE the Kent County Council and Active Kent & Medway Memorandum of Understanding for Hosting 2023-2027.
· To DELEGATE authority to the Director of Growth and Communities in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Community and Regulatory Services and the S151 Officer or Cabinet Member for Finance to accept and deploy grants and other external funding to support the delivery of the Kent & Medway Strategic Framework for Sport and Physical Activity; including future years allocations, providing it is on the same terms and conditions as previous grant funding.
· To DELEGATE authority to the Director of Growth and Communities to take necessary actions including but not limited to entering into relevant contracts, or other legal agreements to implement this decision.