Issue - decisions

24/00123 - Kent BSIP & BSOG Funding: 2025/26

23/01/2025 - 24/00123 - Kent BSIP & BSOG Funding: 2025/26

As Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport I agree to:


i)               ACCEPT Kent’s BSIP and BSOG Government funding allocations for financial year 2025/26. This consists of £10,120,289 Revenue and £11,926,302 Capital BSIP and £1,087,788 BSOG funding


(ii)       DELEGATE authority to the Council’s Corporate Director of Growth Environment & Transport, and the Section 151 Officer to formally accept this funding and related terms and conditions through the completion and return of anticipated formal award documentation from Government.


(iii)      DELEGATE authority to the Council’s Corporate Director of Growth Environment & Transport, and the Section 151 Officer to agree and submit Kent’s Delivery Plan in response to the funding offer, working to the principles of Value for Money (VfM) and consistent with the principles and potential initiatives in Kent’s 2024 BSIP.


(iv)      DELEGATE to the Corporate Director of Growth Environment & Transport to take necessary actions including but not limited to entering into relevant contracts, or other legal agreements to implement this decision as shown at Appendix A