MINUTES of the Meeting held in the Gatefield Hall, Alexander Centre, Preston Street, Faversham on Tuesday 21st April 2009 from 7:04 pm to 8:52 pm.
PRESENT: Councillor Anita Walker (Chairman), Councillors Mark Baldock, Barnicott, Cindy Davis, Trevor Fentiman and David Simmons. Kent Association of Local Councils Representatives: Councillor Duncan (Selling Parish Council) and Councillor Vaight (Oare Parish Council). Kent County Councillors: Mr Bowles and Mr Tom Gates (Vice-Chairman).
OFFICERS PRESENT: Philippa Davies, Della Fackrell, Mike Fisher, Brian Planner, Bob Pullen, Peter Speakman and Jean Wood (all Swale Borough Council (SBC)) and Phil Gilbert, Bill Ronan and Andrew Rourk (all Kent County Council (KCC)).
ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Councillor Gerry Lewin (Swale Borough Council), Claire Davies (AmicusHorizon), Chief Inspector Tony Henley and Inspector Kevin Swinney (Kent Police), Jenny Knight (East Kent Primary Care Trust) and Elise Stickler (Environment Agency). Mrs Sue Akhurst, Mr Campbell Forsyth, Mr Michael Gates, Mr Nigel Kay, Mr Findlay Macdonald, Ms Alison O'Connor, Mr Oswald-Jones and Mr John Winlow (local residents).
APOLOGIES: Councillors Bobbin, Mike Cosgrove, Mike Henderson and Bryan Mulhern.
The Minutes of the Meeting held on 10th February 2009 (Minute Nos. 654 - 662) were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record subject to the amendment to include as those present Kent Association of Local Council representative, Parish Councillor Sue Vaight, Councillors Gerry Lewin and John Morris (SBC) and County Councillor Paulina Stockell.