Title | Date | Effective from | Call-ins |
24/00085 - KCC CLS Sub-contracting Education and Skills Funding Agency provision ref: 2904 | 09/10/2024 | 18/10/2024 | 0 |
24/00084 - Education Health Needs Policy ref: 2903 | 09/10/2024 | 18/10/2024 | 0 |
24/00076 - Holiday Activity Fund ref: 2902 | 09/10/2024 | 18/10/2024 | 0 |
24/00053 - The future of Blackburn Lodge Care Home, Isle of Sheppey ref: 2901 | 08/10/2024 | 16/10/2024 | Call-in expired |
24/00080 - Amendments to the Highways Act 1980 - Sections 118ZA & 119ZA ref: 2900 | 04/10/2024 | 12/10/2024 | Call-in expired |
24/00077 - Cabinet Finance Monitoring September 2024 ref: 2899 | 26/09/2024 | 04/10/2024 | Call-in expired |