ePetition details

A pedestrian crossing and crossing patrol person are urgently needed outside Wouldham All Saints Primary School to allow children to cross Worral Drive

We the undersigned petition the council to We urgently need a pedestrian crossing on Worral Drive ME1 3GE. Parents and pupils are taking huge risk crossing between parked cars every morning and afternoon. There does not appear to be any speed restriction in place either. HGVs come up and down to the building sites at school drop off and collection time causing traffic chaos and it is an accident waiting to happen.

Parents and staff at the school are in support of changes being made to improve road safety outside Wouldham All Saints Primary School. We would welcome discussion with the council about a pedestrian crossing and / or a crossing patrol person being implemented here.

This ePetition ran from 12/06/2023 to 10/09/2023 and has now finished.

26 people signed this ePetition.