ePetition details

Dartford Crossing traffic blocking access into and out of The Bridge Community

We the undersigned petition the council to Council to require Kent Highways to permit access to the residents at the Bridge Community to use part of the Kent Fastway route to go into and out of the estate during peak times - currently there is only one access route which is constantly blocked by traffic from the Dartford Crossing; preventing patients from attending medical appointments, parents dropping/picking up children and residents unable to get home. Reasonable access is requested via an alternative route which exists but reserved for Fast Track buses only. Only a small portion of this route is required and can be limited to peak times as a compromise.

The Bridge Community has over 1500 homes and residents are trapped in or outside of the estate during peak time travel at least 4 times a week. Residents are very distressed; they are unable to enter or exit the estate. Reasonable access is required for dwellings and access out of the estate is necessary in case of emergencies. Currently this is not possible with increasing and constant traffic issues. This will only worsen with the new Amazon warehouse close to completion. A solution is need by the county council.

This ePetition ran from 06/07/2021 to 06/10/2021 and has now finished.

220 people signed this ePetition.