ePetition details

Review the Kent Test

We the undersigned petition the council to review the Kent Test

It has been more than fifty years since the Kent selective school system was reviewed. While other areas of the UK turned away from the 11-plus system long ago, Kent has resisted such changes and is falling behind. The system is becoming increasingly outdated, yet KCC now plans to spend millions of pounds on grammar school expansion.

Before they do we think parents, and the people of Kent, should have their say through a review of the Kent Test system. We are petitioning Kent County Council to:

1. Carry out a review of Kent’s selective school system, including re-examining the percentage figure of children selected, the impact of test tuition on families, and the accuracy and fairness of the selection process itself.
2. Seek the views of people across the county about the Kent Test and the selective school system.
3. Halt spending on grammar school expansion until the Kent Test is declared fit for purpose, and proven to be supported by Kent residents.

It has been many decades since parents in Kent were given a say on how their children were educated. Please support a review by signing this petition.

This ePetition ran from 15/11/2019 to 30/12/2019 and has now finished.

50 people signed this ePetition.