The council welcomes petitions and recognises that petitions are one way in which people can let us know their concerns.
An E-Petition is a petition which is set up and maintained on KCC's website and collects "signatures" online. This allows petitions and supporting information to be made available to a potentially much wider audience than a traditional paper based petition.
Anyone who lives, works or studies in Kent County Councils area can submit or sign an e-Petition.
If you sign an e-Petition on this website, you will be required to provide us with basic personal information to enable us to verify the “signatures” collected are genuine. Your name (but no other details) will be published on the e-Petition website.
We will only use the information you provide for this purpose.
Click here to view our updated privacy notice.
To sign an e-petition click on the title below
Title | Respondents | Deadline to sign by |
Duke of Edinburgh funding | 36 | 10/03/2025 |
Save Bradstow School | 48 | 12/03/2025 |
Abolish Increased charges to severely disabled residents in Kent | 276 | Finished |