Issue details

Proposed change of age-range for Newington CE Primary School, Sittingbourne by the closure of the maintained nursery unit from 24 April 2011 - 10/01485

To issue a public notice to change the age-range for Newington CE Primary School, Sittingbourne by the closure of the maintained nursery unit from 24 April 2011


Decision type: Key

Decision status: Implemented

Decision due: 10 Jan 2011 by Cabinet Member for Education, Learning & Skills

Department: Children, Families and Education Directorate

Contact: Alison Osbourne, Area Education Officer - East Kent Email: Tel: 01227 284461.


Who is it necessary to consult?

Circulation list to include; MP, Local Members, Local Councils, Parents, Staff, Governors, Professional Associations, Diocesan Boards of Education, Local Childcare Providers.  Consultation through the publication of a public consultation document, email and information on the KCC website


Has the matter already been discussed by a Policy, Overview and Scrutiny Committee?:

The proposal was discussed by the School Organisation Advisory Board on 14 July 2010 seeking permission to consult on the proposal and returned to the School Organisation Advisory Board on October 2010 to discuss the outcome of the consultation


Is the matter referred to in your Business Plan or Medium Term Capital Programme?

Medium Term Plan


Closing date for consultation/receiving comments:

25 October 2010

Financial implications: Alison Osborne - Area Education Officer (Canterbury / Swale) Email:

Legal implications: 10/01485

Equalities implications: Significant service developments, reduction, changes in delivery

Agenda items
