Issue details

Archives and Local History Service Development Plan - 10/01525

Seeking approval to implement the Development Plan via Cabinet member or Cabinet decision


Decision type: Key

Decision status: Implemented

Decision due: 4 Jan 2011 by Cabinet Member for Customer and Communities

Department: Communities Directorate

Contact: Stuart Bligh, Archive And Local History Services Manager Email: Tel: 01622 696580, Cath Anley, Head of Libraries, Registration and Archives Email: Tel: 01622 696496.

Consultation process



Who and when?

See below


Who is it necessary to consult?

The `Understanding Our Past Changing Our Future’ Vision document was made widely available via the web, at libraries and archive centres and through meetings with various history groups across Kent. Comments were received from the general public, customers, stakeholders, special interest groups and national bodies.


There will be further consultation between July-September 2010 to inform the development plan.


Has the matter already been discussed by a Policy, Overview and Scrutiny Committee?:

The strategy will be discussed at the POSC meeting on 9th July 2010


Is the matter referred to in your Business Plan or Medium Term Capital Programme?



Closing date for consultation/receiving comments:

31st September 2010

Financial implications: Cath Anley, Head of Libraries and Archives 01622 696496 Stuart Bligh, Archives and Local History Manager 01622 6905202

Legal implications: 10/01525

Equalities implications: This development plan represens a strategic change for the service with Countywide implications
