Issue details

The Edenbridge Centre - 10/01531

To authorise the Managing Director for Communities to enter into a contract for the Edenbridge Centre on behalf of KCC subject to satisfactory terms and conditions being agreed.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Implemented

Decision due: 14 Feb 2011 by Cabinet Member for Customer and Communities

Department: Communities Directorate

Contact: Jonathan White, Southborough Project Manager Email: Tel: 01622 696904.

Consultation process

Decision delayed from November 2010 as legal matters are still being finalised



Who is it necessary to consult?

District and town council, Community Centre stakeholders, Edenbridge Sport Association, local religious groups, Sport England and other statutory consultees, general public.


Has the matter already been discussed by a Policy, Overview and Scrutiny Committee?:



Is the matter referred to in your Business Plan or Medium Term Capital Programme?



Closing date for consultation/receiving comments:

September 2010


Financial implications: Jonathan White, Finance and Asset Management, Communities, 01622 696904, Email

Legal implications: 10/01531

Equalities implications: Affects more than one electoral division
