Issue details

Business Plans 2012/13 - 12/01829

Approval of Business Plans for 2012/13

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Implemented

Decision due: 16 Apr 2012 by Cabinet

Department: Strategic & Corporate Services

Contact: David Whittle, Director of Strategy, Policy, Relationships and Corporate Assurance Email: Tel: 03000 416833.

Consultation process




The Business Plans set out how the Medium-Term Plan (Bold Steps for Kent)

and the 2012/13 Budget will be delivered. There has previously been

consultation with the public, staff, the business community, and partner

organisations around the implications of Bold Steps for Kent and the budget

reductions which the business plans will reflect.  The business plans will also

set out the detailed consultation planned for the coming year.

Financial implications: David Whittle, Policy Manager, Business Strategy and Support 01 01622 696969

Legal implications: 12/01829

Equalities implications: This decision provides officers with delegated authority to deliver the projects and activities set out for the year as detailed in the Business Plans.

Agenda items


  • Budget 2012/13 (to be approved by Cabinet then County Council in Feb 2012), Bold Steps for Kent