Issue details

The Co-ordinated Scheme for Admissions to Primary and Secondary Schools in 2008

Cabinet are required to formally determine the admission arrangements for all Voluntary Controlled and community Schools in Kent

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Affects more than two Electoral Divisions;

Decision status: For Determination

Division affected: (All Division);

Decision due: Between 1 Feb 2008 and 7 Mar 2008 by Cabinet

Department: Children, Families and Education Directorate

Contact: Scott Bagshaw, Head of Fair Access Email: Tel: 01622 694185.

Consultation process

As above


All admissions authorities in Kent; neighbouring admissions authorities; diocesans.  The admission arrangements proposed for determination will derived from a formal consultation taking place with all admissions authorities in and around Kent during November & December 2007.  A survey of parental preference on the timing of tests will also be used to inform proposed arrangement.  

Financial implications: 15 December 2007

Legal implications: 07/01087


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