Issue details

Endorsement of the Kent Countryside Access Improvement Plan. 10 Year Strategy

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Affects more than two Electoral Divisions;

Decision status: For Determination

Division affected: (All Division);

Decision due: 17 Mar 2008 by Cabinet

Department: Environment and Regeneration Directorate

Contact: Mike Overbeke, Head of Public Protection Email: Tel: 01622 221513.

Consultation process

All lead members have been sent the draft plan directly and it is available via Knet.  Paper copies have been put in the members lounge.  The plan was advertised to the public via Kent Messenger newspapers and sent directly to key consultee’s.  Prior to the draft plan, there was extensive public consultation over a two year period


A three month public consultation has taken place on the draft plan.  (full list of consultee’s in Plan)

Financial implications: Consultation is now closed

Legal implications: 07/01005


  • Executive summary of The Kent Countryside Access Improvement Plan. The Kent Countryside Access Improvement Plan