Issue details

Kent Health and Wellbeing Strategy - 12/01972

Decision abandoned.


The Health and Wellbeing Strategy was approved by the full Council meeting held on 28th March 2013.  A Cabinet Member decision is no longer required.




To seek approval of a Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Kent


How the decision relates to BS4K and Corporate Objectives: Bold Steps for Kent Priority 2 promotes the integration of health and social care services, aligned to wider health reform agenda under the Health and Social Care Act 2012. The Health and Wellbeing Strategy supports the integration of health and social care services.


Impact/costs and risks of proposed decision: N/A


Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Abandoned

Notice of proposed decision first published: 31/12/2012

Department: Strategic & Corporate Services

Contact: David Whittle, Director of Strategy, Policy, Relationships and Corporate Assurance Email: Tel: 03000 416833.

Consultation process



Section 116A(5)(6) of the Health and Social Care Act 2012 requires the responsible local authority and Clinical Commissioning Groups in preparing the strategy to involve the Local Healthwatch organisation for the area and involve the people who live or work in the area.

Aims and level(s) of consultation (KCC consultation levels attached)

Key consultee groups:

Clinical Commissioning Groups, Commissioners of Health and Social Services, Health and Social Care Providers, Patient Representative Bodies, District Councils, et al

Start and finish dates of consultation:

August 2013 -  November 2013: Engagement of Clinical Commissioning Groups, social care commissioners, health and social care providers, District Councils

September 2013 – November 2013: Wider patient, carer, public and stakeholder engagement

Equalities Impact Assessment included in the consultation documentation. Please state where this can be found: The Equality Impact Assessment will be published alongside the consultation version of the Strategy. 

Date of publication of consultation outcomes and updated Equalities Impact Assessment: The outcome of the consultation will be considered by the shadow Kent Health and Wellbeing Board in November 2013 when approving the strategy, alongside an updated Equality Impact Assessment.

Informing Only: N/A


Has the matter already been discussed by a Cabinet Committee? If not when will be it discussed by the Cabinet Committee and the date of the meeting: TBC


Is the matter referred to in your Business Plan or Medium Term Capital Programme?



Which Members and electoral Divisions are affected by this proposed decision? Is it All Members? N/A


Financial implications: David Whittle - Head of Policy & Strategic Relationships Tel: 01622 696969 Email:

Legal implications: 12/01972

Equalities implications: The production of a Health and Wellbeing Strategy will be a statutory requirement on the Kent Health and Wellbeing Board which moves out of shadow period and acquires full statutory basis in April 2013. The priorities and outcomes identified in the Health and Wellbeing Strategy must be reflected in health and social care commissioning plans produced by KCC and the new NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups. Approving a Kent Health and Wellbeing Strategy in December will allow commissioners to reflect its priorities in commissioning plans being developed for financial year 2013/14.