Issue details

Local Children's Services Arrangements

To approve the Children and Young People’s Joint Commission Board’s Local Children Services Arrangement.


How the decision  relates to BS4K and Corporate Objectives


The Children and Young People’s Joint Commissioning Board’s local children services arrangements are in line with the Corporate objectives. Namely to:

  • Improving outcomes for children and young people
  • greater co-operation and co-ordination through integrated and joined-up services
  • better use of resources.


Impact/costs and risks of proposed decision

The proposed local children services arrangement will provide the basis for more effective joint commissioning with through local Health and Wellbeing Boards. KCC continues to response its duty to co-operate placed on the local authorities by the Children Act 2004 and Working Together guidance (2013).


Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Division affected: (All Division);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 26/06/2013

Department: Social Care, Health & Wellbeing

Contact: Michael Thomas-Sam, Corporate Lead Adult's and Children's Policy and Strategy Tel: 01622 696116 e-mail: Tel: 03000 417238.


Key partner agencies represented on the Kent Children and Young People’s Joint Commissioning Board and Local Children’s Trust Board .

Has the matter already been discussed by a Cabinet Committee? If not when will be it discussed by the Cabinet Committee and the date of the meeting


It will be on the agenda for the Cabinet Committee meeting on 12 June 2013.


Is the matter referred to in your Business Plan or Medium Term Capital Programme?



Which Members and electoral Divisions are affected by this proposed decision? Is it All Members?



Financial implications: Michael Thomas-Sam, Strategic Business Adviser - FSC, Business Strategy 01622 696116

Legal implications: 13/00051
