To approve the Commissioning Plan for Education which sets out proposals for additional and new school provision in the next 2-3 years based on forecasts for increased pupil numbers and the consequent need for increased provision to 2018.
The Commissioning Plan is a five year rolling plan which is updated annually.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: For Determination
Division affected: (All Division);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 19/09/2013
Decision due: 14 Oct 2013 by Cabinet
Lead director: Patrick Leeson
Contact: Kevin Shovelton, Director Education Planning & Access Tel: 01622 694174 e-mail:
The Commissioning plan 2013-18 is a ‘live’ document which underpins the councils on-going dialogue and consultation with Schools, District Councils, Diocesan Authorities and local Elected Members, to inform the process of ensuring there are sufficient school places of good quality for Kent children in all localities.
The proposed decision to agree the Commissioning Plan will be considered and endorsed, or recommendations for amendments made, by the Education Cabinet Committee at its meeting to be held on 27th September 2013
Financial implications: Kevin Shovelton Director Planning and Access Education, Learning and Skills
Legal implications: 13/0068
Equalities implications: The decision is likely to be significant in terms of its effects on a significant proportion of the community living or working within two or more electoral divisions. The cost of provision of school places for the increased pupil numbers identified in the plan will exceed £1million