Issue details

Cyclopark Trust - Deed of Variation to the Operator Agreement

A Deed of Variation to the Operator Agreement is required to transfer the lease of two additional landholdings to further develop the facility; and to enable the Cyclopark Trust to draw down an annual sum allocated for the upkeep of this land.  


Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Division affected: Gravesend East;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 24/11/2015

Department: Growth, Environment & Transport

Contact: Theresa Bruton, Head of Regeneration Projects 03000 417034 and 03000417179 Email: Tel: 01622 221957, David Smith, Director of Economic Development Email: Tel: 0774 389 4252.

Consultation process

Financial Implications
With the second tranche of HA land to be leased to Cyclopark the Trust will have access to the additional commuted sum to support the maintenance needs. This will be in the region of £35,000 per annum to be agreed annually based on need.
An allocation from KCC’s MTFP of £120,000 per annum for the three year period to March 2015, is repayable within 18 months of the final payment should the Operator’s budget demonstrate a sustained and robust position and subject to not having any materially detrimental effects on the operation of Cyclopark.

The Deed of Variation and appropriate lease arrangement will be dealt with through KCC Legal Services and the Legal representatives of Cyclopark Trust.

There are no Equality implications for the decision other than to continue to ensure provision for the wider community.


A full programme of community and stakeholder consultation was undertaken in establishing the Cyclopark Project. The Deed of Variation formalises next stages in the planned delivery and development of the project.

Cyclopark falls within the Gravesham Rural Ward and the Local Member Mr Brian Sweetland’s views will be sought.

The GEDC Cabinet Committee will consider the decision at its meeting on 1  December


Financial implications: Thresa Bruton Head of Regeneration Projects 03000417034 David Smith Director of Economic Development 03000417179

Legal implications: 15/00088


Agenda items