Issue details

16/00148 A2 Bean and Ebbsfleet Junction Improvement - funding contribution by the Strategic Transport Infrastructure Programme (STIP)

The Kent Thameside Strategic Transport Infrastructure Programme (STiP) is a package of improvements that respond to assessments of the individual impacts and mitigation measures for significant development across the boroughs of Dartford and Gravesham.  A Key Decision was taken on 21 February 2008 (decision no 07/01108) agreeing to the County Council acting as the Accountable Body for the programme.


The programme aims to provide key transport infrastructure improvements that would enable the planned level of development in Kent Thameside to be realised. Ultimately, the development will result in some 22,600 new homes and around 1 million m2 of commercial development with the potential for 60,000 jobs. The programme would be largely funded through a combination of public sector grants and private sector contributions.


Since the original decision was taken there have been considerable changes to the progress of developments and the available funding. This has resulted in a reduction in the then assumed funding levels reported in 2012 which were circa £84m down to £70m and an increase in projected scheme costs from £116m in 2012 to £169m today.


This is largely from increased to the Bean and Ebbsfleet scheme of £45m and £7.5m for Dartford Town Centre. It is worth noting that the whole cost of the Bean and Ebbsfleet Scheme was included in the costing summary in 2012 and this equated to £80m. Considering that the STIP fund is only required to make a reasonable contribution (from S106 monies) and whilst the overall scheme costs may have increased to £125m the STIP fund is not required to cover the full amount.


Full details of the funding stream are set out in Appendix E of the accompanying report.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure or savings of more than £1m;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Division affected: Dartford East; Dartford Rural; Swanscombe and Greenhithe;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 10/01/2017

Department: Growth, Environment & Transport

Contact: 03000 413479.


The issue was discussed by the Growth, Economic Development and Communities Cabinet Committee on 22 March 2017, at which time the committee resolved to endorse the proposed decision.

Financial implications: Financial implications There are no financial implications to KCC. There is no provision for underwriting the monies nor is there the availability to forward fund. This has been conveyed to both HE and DfT and KCC has explained that the amounts can only be collected as and when the various triggers are met for the development. Therefore, the risk associated to the funding profile rests with HE and DfT. A profile for the Eatern Quarry S106 funds is contained in the attached letter from the Cabinet Member for Economic Development to DfT (Appendix B) and a summary table of the STIP funds as currently stands in Appendix E..

Legal implications: none

Equalities implications: none


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