The Cabinet Member for Environment& Transport is asked togive approval to take the schemeslisted belowthrough thenext stagesof development and deliveryincluding authority to progress statutoryapprovals andconsultation whereappropriate, andto enterinto funding and constructioncontracts.
a) DartfordTown Centreimprovements scheme,in drg.No. 4300378/000;
b) A2500Lower Roadimprovement scheme,in drgNo. 43000416/000/06;
c) A2/A28Coast boundoff-slip, Wincheapscheme, indrg. No. 5269/GA01
Specifically to:
i) giveapproval tothe progressthe designof theschemes fordevelopment controland land charge disclosures;
ii) giveapproval toprogress allstatutory approvalsor consentsrequired forthe schemes;
iii) giveapproval tocarry outconsultation onthe schemes;
iv) giveapproval toenter intoLocal GrowthFund fundingagreement subjectto theapproval of the CorporateDirector ofFinance &Procurement, and
v) give approval to enter into construction contracts as necessary for the delivery of the schemes subject tothe approvalof theProcurement Boardto therecommended procurement strategy.
In theGrowth Dealannouncements inJuly 2014(Round One)and January2015 (RoundTwo), theGovernment allocated£482 millionfrom theLocal GrowthFund tocapital projectsacross theSouth EastLocal EnterprisePartnership (SELEP)area.
The GrowthDeal extension(Round 3)included theallocation offunding forDartford Town Centre, A2500Lower Road,Isle ofSheppey andA2/A28 Coastbound offslip, Canterbury transport schemesfollowing thesubmission ofoutline businesscases foreach schemeto SELEP (
It hasbeen agreedwith Governmentthat SELEPand thereforeKent CountyCouncil will receiveLocalGrowth Fundin quarterlyinstalments inadvance inaccordance withthe scheme spending profiles,subject tocompletion ofa TransportBusiness Casefor eachproject andthe approval of theproject bySELEP AccountabilityBoard.
The matchfunding hasbeen securedfrom otherlocal governmentprogrammes, anddeveloper contributionswhich willbe securedthrough alegal agreementto besigned bythe contributors and theCounty Council.
An agreementwill bedeveloped forthose schemesto bedelivered bythird partiesto transfer the conditionsof LGFspend and the project management responsibilityto them. This will include updating KentCounty Councilwith regularreporting onproject progressand spend.
TheLGF fundingfor the 3schemes isnot requiredin 2016/17,therefore it is anticipated that the TransportBusiness Casesfor theseschemes willbe consideredby afuture meetingof the SELEPBoard in2017/18.
All3 schemes willbe delivered inline withthe currentgovernance arrangements under the Local Growth Fund(KCC andSELEP). Therefore eachscheme will carryout necessary consultationand equalityimpact assessmentsas partof thescheme progression.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Expenditure or savings of more than £1m;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Division affected: (All Division);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 06/03/2017
Department: Growth, Environment & Transport
Contact: Tim Read, Head of Highway Transport 03000 410236 Email:
Financial implications: Tim Read Head of Highways, Transportation and Waste 03000 410236
Legal implications: 17/00025