As Leader of the Council, I approve a variation to the existing school place planning in Thanet through an urgent application being made to the Secretary of State to terminate the Academy Presumption process published in November 2017.
On the basis of approval from the Secretary of State being forthcoming, I further agree, subject to normal KCC and statutory school consultations, to KCC reversing its decision (17/0088) to establish a new secondary school in Thanet and instead;
Reason(s) for decision:
My reason for the decision is as follows:
It is on this basis that I seek to vary the existing commissioning plan and apply to the Secretary of State to terminate the presumption process and seek support to pursue alternative arrangements to meet the educational needs in that locality.
Reason for urgency:
The Department for Education (DfE) have indicated that they are only willing to consider proposals when they are formally put before them. Given the urgent timelines, I have concluded that it is imperative to bring forward the decision urgently and that KCC cannot wait for the conclusion of the normal key decision timetable.
The short-term demand on places in Thanet in the next two to three years rises to 5FE in 2021 and reduces to 1FE in 2025. Urgency is therefore required to obtain the DfE’s formal support. Note, building a new 6FE school in Margate would not be completed until September 2022, which is predominantly post bulge and therefore an interim solution needs to be found.
To provide clarity on the way forward and seeking clarity in their respective statutory positions, both the General Counsel and Corporate Director of Children, Young People and Education also believe that the decision is now urgent.
Equality Implications:
An Equality Impact Assessment has been undertaken and can be viewed on request. All identified issues have been mitigated and considered as part of this decision.
Business Plan:
The decision relates to the method for KCC to meet its Statutory duty to provide suitable education provision.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Division affected: Margate;
Notice of proposed decision first published: 17/10/2019
This decision will be taken under urgency procedures.
Reason for urgency:
Reason for urgency:
The Department for Education (DfE) have indicated that they are only willing to consider proposals when they are formally put before them. Given the urgent timelines, I have concluded that it is imperative to bring forward the decision urgently and that KCC cannot wait for the conclusion of the normal key decision timetable.
The short-term demand on places in Thanet in the next two to three years rises to 5FE in 2021 and reduces to 1FE in 2025. Urgency is therefore required to obtain the DfE’s formal support. Note, building a new 6FE school in Margate would not be completed until September 2022, which is predominantly post bulge and therefore an interim solution needs to be found.
To provide clarity on the way forward and seeking clarity in their respective statutory positions, both the General Counsel and Corporate Director of Children, Young People and Education also believe that the decision is now urgent.
Explanation of anticipated restriction:
Commerical and legal sensitivity - paragraphs 3 and 5 under Schedule 12A Local Government Act 1972.
Decision due: 17 Nov 2019 by Leader and Cabinet Member for Health Reform
Reason: Urgent decision