Issue details

24/00058 - Family hubs: Perinatal mental health and parent infant relationship five year strategy, 'Nurturing little hearts and minds'

Proposed decision


That the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health approve the adoption and implementation of the Perinatal Mental Health and Parent Infant Relationships Strategy.




The requirement from the Department of Education (DfE) is to ‘establish a local perinatal and parent–infant mental health strategy (with sustainable plans beyond the funding period), to support strategic planning / delivery and joined-up working across the whole system.




The requirement to develop a co-created Perinatal mental health and parent infant relationships strategy has provided opportunity to bring stakeholders together from across the system, to raise awareness of perinatal mental health, parent infant relationships and identify where there are gaps in knowledge and in support.  The strategy has been made available for public consultation for a period of eight weeks February – April 2024.


How the proposed decision supports the Council’s Strategy 2022-26


This service contributes to ‘Priority 1: Levelling up Kent’ of the Framing Kent’s Future Our Council Strategy 2022-2026 as providing parents/mums the support in giving their babies the best start in life to improve the population’s health and narrowing health inequalities. 


Securing Kent’s future


The proposed decision aligns with Objective 3 of Securing Kent’s Future:Policy choices and scope of Council’s ambitions





Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Affects more than two Electoral Divisions;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Division affected: (All Division);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/06/2024

Decision due: Not before 17th Jul 2024 by Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health
Reason: To allow 28 day notice period required under Executive Decision regulations

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health

Lead director: Dr Anjan Ghosh

Department: Social Care, Health & Wellbeing

Contact: Wendy Jeffreys, Consultant in Public Health Email: or 03000 416310 Email:


Public Consultation


In February 2024 Kent County Council (KCC) launched a public consultation on two co-created strategies to gain a better understanding of whether the strategies were accessible and presented a vision that was agreed on.


Cabinet Committee Consultation

The proposed decision was considered and endorsed at the Health Reform and Public Health Cabinet Committee on 2nd July 2024


Financial implications: To support the delivery of the Family Hub Transformation Programme, Kent County Council (KCC) has received a grant from the Department for Education (DfE) to March 2025 which is to support system transformation including work-force development and enhancement of services

Legal implications: The Council will enter into a number of contractual agreements to support delivery in line with Spending the Council’s Money and Public Contract Regulations 2015.

Equalities implications: Equality Implications A Perinatal mental health and parent infant relationships provided detail of factors that can impact different population groups regards low to moderate perinatal mental health and parent infant relationships. These include emotional and regulation needs on communication; race on access to perinatal mental health support with proposed mitigations outlined. Data Protection implications: General Data Protection Regulations are part of current service documentation for the contract and there is a Schedule of Processing, Personal Data and Data Subjects confirming who is data controller/ processor.

