Proposed decision
That the Cabinet Member for Economic Development agree that KCC deliver a Department for Education-funded Skills Bootcamps Programme for Kent & Medway subject to approval by DfE
Reason for the decision:
KCC has been invited by the Department for Education (DfE) to submit a funding application for a Kent & Medway Skills Bootcamps programme for 2025-26. Skills Bootcamps are intensive, Level 3-5 flexible training courses of up to 16 weeks which equip adults with technical skills that enable them to access new or enhanced employment opportunities and enable local businesses to tackle skills gaps.
Skills Bootcamps were initially tested in Autumn 2020 by the DfE and have extended across England and across an increasing range of vocational sectors. Kent & Medway is currently one of the only areas in the UK without an active skills bootcamps programme.
The recently submitted Skills Bootcamps application focuses on the following industry sectors with known skills gaps in Kent & Medway: Creative, Agri-food, Construction, Retail, Health & Social Care, Early Years & School.
Other options considered but discarded :
Not run a local Skills Bootcamps Programme in Kent & Medway. This would miss an opportunity to support known needs of local businesses and local people seeking employment or career development opportunities and leave Kent & Medway behind other areas successfully running bootcamps programmes such as Hampshire.
How the proposed decision supports Strategic Priorities:
The bid adheres to Securing Kent’s Future’s requirement for full cost recovery.
The bid supports ambitions in the Kent & Medway Economic Framework and Framing Kent’s Future to support people into work, develop the local workforce and ensure that employers have access to people with the right skills.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Expenditure or savings of more than £1m;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)
Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/10/2024
Decision due: Not before 27th Nov 2024 by Cabinet Member for Economic Development
Reason: To allow 28 day notice period required under Executive Decision regulations
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Economic Development
Lead director: Stephanie Holt-Castle
Department: Growth, Environment & Transport
Contact: Steve Samson, Interim Head of Economy Email:
The proposed decision was considered and endorsed by members of the Growth, Economic Development and Communities Cabinet Committee at their meeting on 6 November.
Financial implications: The bid requests £1.75m DfE grant funding. KCC can claim part of the £1.75m bid to fully cover its operational costs including staffing, communication, monitoring and reporting and a proportion of its overheads. The full amount of funding can only be drawn down in arrears based on key outcomes being achieved
Legal implications: This is a discretionary activity supporting economic objectives in Framing Kent’s future. Grant determination letters and conditions are not yet available and will be reviewed prior to signature to ensure that any financial risks to KCC are minimal.
Equalities implications: An EqIA was developed alongside the submission to DfE and the programme will have positive impacts for local residents with certain protected characteristics.