Issue details

24/00093 - Future of Commissioned Services at Seashells and Millmead Family Hubs

Proposed Decision:


Cabinet Member for Integrated Children’s Services to:


APPROVE the proposal to not re-commission the Family Hub services that are currently provided at Seashells and Millmead Family Hubs when the current contracts reach the end of their term on 31 March 2025. 


DELEGATE any activity requiring capital spend as set out in the report to the Director of Infrastructure, in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance, Corporate and Traded Services, and Director of Operational Integrated Children’s Services


DELEGATE authority to the Director for Operational Integrated Children’s Services to explore the option for Kent County Council to deliver outreach Family Hub services from Seashells and Millmead centres when the current contracts reach the end of their term on 31 March 2025.


DELEGATE authority to the Director for Operational Integrated Children’s Services, to take necessary actions, including but not limited to finalising, entering into, concluding or managing any relevant contracts and other legal agreements, as required to implement this decision.


Reason for the Decision:


The financial challenges facing all local authorities is critical. KCC needs to deliver £108.8m (2024-25 published Medium Term Financial Plan) of transformation and efficiency savings over the next two years. Our work to meet these challenges has already meant changes to services across the county.


In October 2023 the KCC Cabinet adopted ‘Securing Kent’s Future’ which set out the scale of the financial challenge and the approach to tackling it. The financial situation means that we have needed to adopt a Recovery Plan which sets out how we plan to meet the challenge. A key part of the Recovery Plan is to make further savings and generate income through the Medium-Term Financial Plan (MTFP)’.The MTFP sets out precisely what savings are needed to balance the budget and where those savings could be made.    



In November 2023 KCC Cabinet took a decision to implement the Family Hub model across the County. At the time, that included transformation and efficiency plans for 56 Family Hub locations across Kent not including the two Independently managed centres, Millmead and Seashells (in line with the Kent Communities Programme decision, also from November 2023).


The service contracts for the two Centres were tendered and awarded in 2020 for a period of 12 months. The services were subject to Directly Awarded contracts from April 2021 to March 2022 under Covid-19 guidance. A Key Decision (21/00086) was taken on 10 November 2021 to directly award contracts to the existing providers for a further year until 31 March 2023. A further Key Decision (22/00108) facilitated an additional 12 month extension, meaning the contracts ended on 31 March 2023.   


To minimise duplication of provision and to ensure that future specifications complimented the Kent Family Hub model being developed, the procurement of new commissioned services was delayed. In 2024, a further Direct Award was made to the two centres as Family Hubs. The terms and conditions of this contract were continued from the previous contract and require a six month notice period.  Therefore the current contracts end 31 March 2025. Indicative notice of the end of the contracts was given to each provider, subject to the outcome of the consultation and any resultant Key Decision in July 2024.


Further extension of these contracts is not possible, other than to cover any period of procurement for new contracts, subject to the decision.


It is therefore proposed that KCC will not re-procure these two contracts when they come to their end on 31 March 2025.  The Family Hub service will be delivered from within existing Family Hubs in Margate as an alternative to the Millmead Centre. In relation to the Seashells Centre a Family Hub service will be offered from the Sheerness Gateway. Some minor investment may be required at the Gateway to enhance safeguarding provisions given the increased number of children and babies that may be in attendance.


Options (other options considered by discarded)


These are the options explored by the service for alternatives:


  1. Reprocure the contracts, be that from these or other providers, therefore not achieving the saving set out in the MTFP – this would require a short-term extension of the existing contracts to run the procurement for the new contracts. This means that the saving identified within the MTFP would then not be made.


  1. Do not reprocure the contracts, instead rent space in the centres to deliver a KCC Family Hub service – this would mean the continued use of the Millmead and Seashells centre by the local authority but with a reduced cost to KCC covering the rent for the building, rather than the cost of commissioning the full-service delivery. Further it would impact on the savings requirement in the MTFP


Financial Implications:

In accordance with the Cabinet decision to support the recommendations in the paper Securing Kent’s Future on 5 October 2023, the approach set out makes sure that, in line with the Recovery further savings and income for the Medium-Term Financial Plan (MTFP)’ are realised.


The decision to not reprocure the two contracts will save £426k annually.


Minor capital investment will be required at the Gateway site to facilitate safeguarding and the appropriate use of the space for the Family Hub activities. It is planned that this is funded from the Capital grant award from the DfE to facilitate the Family Hub transformation.




Contract End Date

Contract value per Annum














Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Affects more than two Electoral Divisions;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 13/11/2024

Decision due: Not before 12th Dec 2024 by Cabinet Member for Integrated Children's Services
Reason: To allow 28 day notice period required under Executive Decision regulations

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Integrated Children's Services

Lead director: Ingrid Crisan

Department: Education & Young People's Services

Contact: Ben Sherreard, Programme Manager Email: Tel: 03000419815.

Consultation process

On 21 November 2024 the Children, Young People and Education Cabinet Committee considered the proposed decision.  


The committee passed a motion proposing that: 


That the decision be delayed until the new government funding is confirmed and that there be a temporary extension of contract, subject to it being legally viable; 

That a valuation of the buildings be undertaken; 

And, that an update be brought to the next meeting.  


 New Government Funding  

In relation to the first part of the motion, officers have repeatedly requested confirmation from the Department for Education civil servants as to the amount of grant money that KCC will be awarded to cover the period April 2025 to March 2026. Officers have also requested confirmation as to what, if any additional delivery requirements and constraints will accompany any additional grant award.  


At the time of writing, there has been no further detail provided by the DfE on the specific amount of year 4 grant award money, or the delivery requirements.  


Legal Viability of Extension 

Legal advice has been provided by external legal advisors that confirms it is not possible for KCC to unilaterally extent the current contracts as there is no power to do so.  


Building Valuations  

The committee also requested valuations be made on the KCC Family Hub sites in Margate: 

  1. Margate Family Hub 
  1. Northdown Road Family Hub  
  1. Cliftonville Family Hub 


Cliftonville Family Hub is not a building owned by KCC and is occupied under a lease that costs circa £54k per year. 


Desktop valuations have been provided by officers within Infrastructure for both Margate Family Hub and Northdown Road Family Hub. 


Margate Family Hub: £250k - £450k (depending on use class)  

Northdown Road Family Hub: £200k - £400k (depending on use class) 



The information provided in response to the Cabinet Committee motion will inform any future decision by the Cabinet Member.  


An update on these queries will be provided to the next CYPE Cabinet Committee meeting.


Public consultation undertaken:

A formal public consultation has been undertaken. It ran from 30 July 2024 to 22 September 2024. A consultation report will accompany the decision report.



Financial implications: Please see detail above

Legal implications: KCC has a statutory duty to provide, so far as is reasonably practicable, sufficient provision of children’s centres (now known as Family Hubs) to meet local need. KCC will continue to fulfil its duty to provide sufficient children’s centres to meet need in the districts affected. There may be TUPE implications with these proposals in offering access from alternative local venues. KCC HR officers have already started engaging with the relevant providers to scope the potential liability. The KCC Family Hubs service is currently holding vacancies and, subject to specific conversations with the providers, we expect to be able to accommodate staff eligible for TUPE.

Equalities implications: Equalities implications An Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) screening has been completed and it is assessed that this change will disproportionately impact residents with some protected characteristics, for example, children, young parents, women and those with physical disabilities, SEN requirements or those residents that are neurodivergent. Mitigation measures will be set out, including engaging our Community Development Workers to support service users making the change to access services from alternative locations. Data Protection implications A Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) will be completed prior to any re-procurement exercise subject to the decision taken.
