Issue details

24/00115 - Adoption of the Integrated Care Strategy Delivery Plan

Proposed decision


 AGREE to adopt the Integrated Care Strategy Delivery Plan


Reason for the decision


-      To adopt the ICS Delivery Plan and to confirm the corporate position in the delivery of existing and new priorities. 


-      The Delivery Plan sets out theproposed priorities for action, developed by each corporate directorate, that will contribute to improved local health and to the delivery of the Kent and Medway Integrated Care Strategy (ICS) alongside the current contributions that the Council is making to the ICS Shared Delivery Plan.


Background – Provide brief additional context


-      The Kent and Medway Integrated Care Strategy/Kent Joint Local Health and Wellbeing

Strategy Delivery Plan was endorsed by Cabinet in July 2024. At that point it was a high level overview which did not commit KCC to any specific actions and would be used as a basis to signpost to relevant strategies and programmes of work already underway


Since then work has taken place within each Council Directorate to capture work currently in train that contributes to improved health tackling the full range of wider determinants as well as addressing inequalities. As health is strongly impacted on by a wide range of social, economic, educational, community and environmentally focused issues, all parts of KCC are playing a key role in health locally.


Additionally, we wish to improve health locally and each directorate has a part to play. As a result directorate teams have developed and agreed priority actions that they will take over the next one to three years that will impact positively on local health. These have been largely framed to be of low or no cost, given the financial challenges we face.


The existing work and the new planned activity together represent KCCs contribution to the delivery of the Kent and Medway Integrated Care Strategy.


Options (other options considered but discarded)


-      Do nothing; This would potentially negatively impact on the health of the people of Kent. It would additionally impact negatively on our reputation as a key local leader and partner in the wider Kent system and  Integrated Care System.


How the proposed decision supports the Framing Kent's Future - Our Council Strategy 2022-2026


-      Health and Wellbeing and its determinants, as broadly defined, are heavily influenced by Council led activity. The priorities within Framing Kent’s Future around Levelling Up, around strong community infrastructure, environmental step change and new service models around care and support and this agenda align well together.


-      Improvements in all these areas will have a positive impact on the wider determinants of health and therefore the health and wellbeing of the population we serve. Conversely, the priority actions proposed all align well with delivery across the range of priorities within Framing Kent’s Future.


How the proposed decision supports Securing Kent’s Future 2022 -2026: Securing Kents Future - Budget Recovery Strategy.pdf


-      The decision is compliant with the Strategic Statement in the context of the significant financial challenges that the Council is facing

-      Priority actions have been developed recognising the financial context and have focussed on developments that can be delivered at low or no cost.

-      Additionally in some areas there is the opportunity to potentially identify savings opportunities through reduced service need.

-      The operational delivery of agreed actions will be led within each directorate in line with Securing Kent’s Future and Best Value approaches.





Decision type: Key

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 24/12/2024

Decision due: 30 Jan 2025 by Cabinet
Reason: Decision-making Executive committee

Lead director: Amanda Beer

Department: Social Care, Health & Wellbeing

Contact: Richard Smith, Corporate Director Adult Social Care and Health Email: Email:


Cabinet Committee consultation planned: 


Health Reform and Public Health Committee – 21st January 2025

Cabinet – 30th January 2025


Financial implications: - The detailed financial costs if any, will be agreed and developed within each directorate. - Where possible all proposed developments will be at low or no cost. - Should any of the activity require additional decision making, this will be done via appropriate governance at a later date.

Legal implications: KCC, the local NHS and Medway Council are statutory members of the Kent and Medway Integrated Care Partnership. The Health and Care Act 2022 requires Integrated Care Partnerships to produce an Integrated Care Strategy. Commissioners must have regard to the relevant Integrated Care Strategy when exercising any of their functions, so far as relevant.

Equalities implications: Equalities implications - The Integrated Care Strategy aims to improve health and wellbeing outcomes for all people in Kent and Medway, with a particular emphasis on addressing health inequalities and providing more support for those with the greatest need including needs associated with protected characteristics. - Additionally, assessment identifies that there is potential for positive impact for all protected characteristic groups, to eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation, to advance equality of opportunity and to foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic, and therefore meet the requirements of the Public Sector Equality Duty. These benefits are reflected in both the Shared Delivery Plan and in the internal actions that Kent County Council will take. Data Protection implications - Not required


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