Proposed decision:
To approve the Integrated Work and Health Strategy for Kent and Medway on behalf of KCC, subject to approval from other partner organisations (Medway Council and Integrated Care Board).
Reason for the decision
Approval to develop the strategy has come from the Integrated Care System Leaders (from KCC, Medway Council and the Integrated Care Board (ICB)) and Kent and Medway Economic Partnership (KMEP) in response to national expectation and strong local support for the development of an Integrated Work and Health Strategy for Kent and Medway.
Background – Provide brief additional context
The interconnection between employment and health outcomes and inequalities is well-established and has previously been discussed by the Integrated Care Partnership (ICP). This is recognised in the Integrated Care Strategy which includes a shared priority to address the economic determinants that enable healthy lives, including stable employment and the commitment: “We will help individuals fulfil their potential by achieving secure employment through education and skills development and by supporting businesses.” The Kent and Medway Economic Framework which is owned by the Kent and Medway Economic Partnership (KMEP) also recognises the connection between economic prosperity and health and wellbeing. It includes an ambition to place economic opportunity at the centre of economic renewal and prosperity, recognising the “strong correlation between economic inactivity, ill health and multiple forms of deprivation.”
The focus of the Kent & Medway Strategy will be to integrate work and health support for employers and individuals by enabling local people with long term conditions and disabilities to start, stay and succeed in work so that the general health and productivity of the workforce can be enhanced, skills shortages can be addressed, and local businesses will be more able to increase productivity and grow. The strategy will enable key organisations in Kent & Medway to better understand the challenges that employers face with regard to long term health conditions and the issues that prevent people with health conditions from accessing employment opportunities and sustaining work. It will also ensure that the various strands of current and potential activity can be better coordinated to avoid duplication and ensure positive outcomes for local employers, residents and the local economy.
Options (other options considered but discarded)
Other options were not considered as there is a national expectation and strong local support for the development of an Integrated Work and Health Strategy for Kent and Medway.
How the proposed decision supports the Framing Kent's Future - Our Council Strategy 2022-2026
The strategy being developed directly aligns with Framing Kent’s Future Priority 1: Levelling Up Kent commitments:
· To support the Kent economy to be resilient and successfully adapt to the challenges and opportunities it faces over the coming years.
· To work with partners to develop a skills system for Kent that delivers skills that are resilient to changing workforce needs and opportunities and supports people to higher level skills.
· To see significant improvements in the economy, connectivity, educational attainment, skills and employment rates and public health outcomes in deprived communities in coastal areas so that they improve faster than the rest of Kent to reduce the gaps.
· To work with our partners to hardwire a preventative approach into improving the health of Kent’s population and narrowing health inequalities.
How the proposed decision supports Securing Kent’s Future 2022 -2026: Securing Kents Future - Budget Recovery Strategy.pdf
The strategy is being developed using external funding secured for this purpose and it does not in itself commit KCC to further spend. The strategy aims to make a positive contribution to key health determinants (employment and income specifically) without which, individuals are more likely to require ongoing support from public health and social care services.
Financial Implications
The development of the strategy is being funded by the DWP/DHSC grant with support from relevant KCC and Medway Council officers as well as NHS colleagues. The strategy itself is not a funded strategy but with government announcements about the need for local ‘Health, Work & Skills plans’ and other potential initiatives around supported employment, it is anticipated that externally funded programmes will support the implementation phase of the strategy. Further details will be worked up in due course. If Kent and Medway pursue a Strategic Authority, this agenda is a clearly stated priority within the Skills and Employment, and Health, Wellbeing and Public Sector Reform ‘areas of competence’ of such an authority, and therefore new powers, opportunities or funding might reasonably be anticipated.
The future implementation of the strategy may bring about indirect longer term financial benefits for KCC in addition to reducing public sector spend on the ill -health prevention agenda. Programmes to help more people into work will support business growth and productivity which could lead to increased business rates receipts in Kent as companies grow and occupy new space. Similarly, additional council tax receipts could be generated if people are supported into the labour market reducing reliance on (housing) benefits.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: For Determination
Notice of proposed decision first published: 15/01/2025
Decision due: 22 Jul 2025 by Cabinet
Reason: To allow the required 28 day notice period on the list of forthcoming executive decisions
Lead member: Leader of the Council
Lead director: Dr Anjan Ghosh
Contact: Jenny Dixon-Sherreard, Policy Manager Email: Tel: 01622 694122.
Public consultation from December 2024 to March 2025.
Cross-portfolio Cabinet Committee engagement is planned for:
- Growth, Economic Development and Communities – 1 July 2025
- Health Reform and Public Health – 1 July 2025
Legal implications: There are no legal implications for KCC or its partners associated with the development of the Work and Health Strategy. Data Protection implications There are no data protection implications for KCC or its partners associated with the development of the Work & Health Strategy. DPIAs will be developed in due course to support the implementation of the strategy.
Equalities implications: A high-level Equalities Impact Assessment has been prepared for the development of the strategy phase and more detailed EqIAs will be produced to support the programmes and initiatives that will be put in place to support the implementation of the strategy. It is anticipated that these programmes will have a positive effect on groups with protected characteristics who find themselves excluded from the labour market due to health-related issues.