Proposed decision –
1) Allocate £2.5m of the Children’s, Young People and Education capital and revenue budgets to continue to deliver the policy objective of ensuring Chilmington Green Secondary School can move into its permanent buildings in the academic year 2025-26.
2) DELEGATE authority to the Director of Infrastructure in consultation with the Director of Education and SEND, the General Counsel and the Cabinet Member for Education and Skills to enter into any negotiations, contracts or contract variations that may be required. This includes enabling funding provided under this and previous related key decisions 21/00014, 22/00080, and 23/00057 to be used as a collective to deliver the policy objective.
3) DELEGATE authority to the Director of Infrastructure to be the nominated Authority Representative within the relevant agreements and to enter into variations as envisaged under any of these contracts and to take other relevant actions, including but not limited to entering into other contracts or legal agreements, as necessary to implement the decision.
Reason for the decision
The Council has consistently confirmed its commitment to ensuring the new secondary school at Chilmington Green, Ashford can move into its permanent buildings in the 2025-26 academic year. Ongoing issues with the delivery of the utilities and the access road threaten achieving this policy commitment. Funding is required to ensure sufficient resources are available to achieve the objective, and to contingency plan for an alternative to ensure pupils on roll in September 2025 have access to school accommodation.
Three previous key decisions have been made in respect of the delivery of Chilmington Green Secondary School:
21/00014 – which provides funding to deliver the utilities and access road, and confirmation that contributions received from the developer to fund the build of the school will be passed to the Department for Education as it is forward funding the build of the school.
22/00080 – which provides the resources to provide a temporary school site and accommodation for the school to open in.
23/00057 – which provides funding to address issues covered by privileged legal advice.
Options (other options considered but discarded)
The Council had an agreement with Hodson Developments (Ashford) Ltd to deliver the road and utility infrastructure required to open the school. For reasons covered in the exempt key decision 21/0014, this option has been discarded.
How the proposed decision supports the Framing Kent's Future - Our Council Strategy 2022-2026
The proposed decision supports priorities one and two of Framing Kent’s Future:
Commitment under priority one – Levelling up Kent:
Commitments under priority two – Infrastructure for communities:
How the proposed decision supports Securing Kent’s Future 2022 -2026: Securing Kents Future - Budget Recovery Strategy.pdf
The proposed decision is compliant with objective 3 of Securing Kent’s Future – the Council has made a policy choice to secure the opening of this school on its permanent site. The DfE are forward funding c£40m of capital investment, which is supporting the developer and the Council with their respective cash flow and in respect of the Council, to discharge its statutory responsibility of ensuring all children have access to a school place.
Financial Implications
The previous key decisions provide £8m towards the delivery of the school. £2.9m of this is for the costs of temporary accommodation. £3.1m is allocated as loan funding to the developer to provide the utility and road infrastructure and is to be repaid. £2m is set aside to deal with issues covered by legal privilege and is expected to be recovered.
These decisions have created “pots” for specific activity. An underspend against one Record of Decision (ROD) is not necessarily available to support pressure against a different ROD. It is proposed that this changes, such that the totality of funding can be used to deliver the policy commitment.
A further £2.5m of revenue and capital funding is required to ensure the road and utilities can be delivered, and to provide for further temporary accommodation in the event this proves necessary. The Council will seek to recover these costs as appropriate.
Detailed funding considerations and the wider financial impact will be set out in an Exempt Report.
The current Basic Need Capital Budget totals £168m (covering the period 2024-27) and will be impacted, at least in the short-term, whilst the legal responsibility for funding the additional costs is resolved and funds recovered. The Basic Need Capital Programme is managed as a series of projects and any additional funding requirement could require re-consideration of other planned activities. However, growing inflationary and other build cost increases including the increased risk of continued use of temporary accommodation supports the progression of this matter as quickly as possible to minimise greater financial costs being incurred.
The Education Service has a revenue budget line for temporary accommodation. The costs of this proposed decision are expected to be prioritised in 2025-26.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Expenditure or savings of more than £1m;
Decision status: For Determination
Notice of proposed decision first published: 28/01/2025
Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt - View reasons
Decision due: Not before 26th Feb 2025 by Cabinet Member for Education and Skills
Reason: To allow the required 28 notice period on the published list of forthcoming executive decisions
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Education and Skills
Lead director: Christine McInnes
Department: Education & Young People's Services
Contact: David Adams, Assistant Director Education (South Kent) Email: Tel: 01233 898559.
The proposed decision was considered and endorsed at the Children’s, Young People and Education Cabinet Committee 27 February 2025.
Financial implications: Please see detail above
Legal implications: Detailed legal advice regarding the KCC liabilities and options for redress will be provided to the Decision-maker. The proposed decision represents a recognition of relevant legal risks, balanced against the policy choice to prioritise the progression of the school project to ensure successful delivery of the school and compliance with KCC’s statutory duty to ensure sufficient school places. Key considerations will be set out in the Exempt Report.
Equalities implications: Equalities implications An equalities impact assessment was undertaken in September 2022 relating to the decision to provide forward funding for the infrastructure works. This identified that the need for the new school was significant, and it positively supported secondary school aged children in Ashford, regardless of any protected characteristic. This assessment was reviewed and updated in 2023 to confirm no substantive change when considering the programme as a whole. The proposed decision does not raise any new equalities issues. Data Protection implications A DPIA was completed in 2023 and was not necessary for that decision. The proposed decision does not raise any new issues.