Issue details

25/00010 - Proposed Revision of Rates Payable and Charges Levied by Kent County Council for Children's Social Care Services in 2025-26

The Cabinet Member for Integrated Children’s Services to:


  1. APPROVE the proposed changes to the rates payable and charges levied for Children’s Services in 2025-26.


  1. NOTE both the changes to the rates that are set by the Government/external agencies: Inter-agency charges and Essential Living Allowance and; any charges to other Local Authorities for use of in-house respite residential beds are to be calculated on a full cost recovery basis.


  1. DELEGATE authority to the Corporate Director of Children, Young People and Education, , totake relevant actions, including but not limited to finalising the terms of and entering into required contracts or other legal agreements, as required, to implement the decision



This decision revises the rates payable and charges levied by this Council for Children’s Social Care Services from 1 April 2025


The recommendation report will distinguish between those rates and charges over which Members can exercise their discretion, and those which are laid down by Parliament.


The rates payable and charges levied for Children’s Services are reviewed annually, with any revisions normally introduced from the start of the new financial year.


Some of the increases are directly linked to the published Department for Education fostering rates, which are reviewed by the Department annually


The proposed decision supports both the key priority of “Levelling up Kent” and “New Models of Care & Support” within the ‘Framing Kent’s Future (2022-26)’. Along with “Securing Kent’s Future – budget recovery strategy”.  Recruitment and retention of our in-house foster and support offer and providing appropriate financial support to our permanency arrangements is crucial in developing and sustaining cost effective placements options for our vulnerable children. Along with supporting families to support children through the use of Direct Payments to be as independent of greater state support. Funds are included as part of the draft Medium Term Financial Plan 2025-28.


Decision type: Key

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/02/2025

Decision due: Not before 5th Mar 2025 by Cabinet Member for Integrated Children's Services
Reason: To allow the required 28 notice period on the published list of forthcoming executive decisions

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Integrated Children's Services

Lead director: Sarah Hammond

Department: Education & Young People's Services

Contact: Karen Stone, Revenue Finance Manager (0 - 25 services) Email: Email:


The proposed decision will be considered by the Children’s, Young People and Education Cabinet Committee on 27 February 2025.

Financial implications: The uplift of Rates & Charges is included in the Draft 2025-26 Revenue Budget and the Draft 2025-28 Medium Term Financial Plan.

Legal implications: We have a duty to review the allowances and fees paid to foster carers on an annual basis as outlined in the National Minimum Standards for Fostering Services issued by the Secretary of State under section 23 of the Children Standards Act 2000.

Equalities implications: Equalities implications An assessment will be completed and any adverse impact within these proposals to increase funding rates for children’s services will be shared with this the CYPE Cabinet Committee on 27 February 2025. Data Protection implications A DPIA is not required and there are no data protection implications.