Issue details

Draft budget 2008-09 and Draft Medium Term Plan 2008-11

Decision type: Key

Decision status: For Determination

Decision due: October 2007 by Cabinet

Department: Chief Executives Directorate

Contact: Lynda McMullan, Director of Finance Email: Tel: 01622 694550.

Consultation process

As above


Appropriate internal consultation as necessary with Cabinet Members, Chief Officer Group.  Internal only


            Statutory consultation of public, business community, staff and trade union representatives


            Public consultation by hosting of two public seminars facilitated by MORI


            Business community by formal meeting with business leaders and representatives


            Staff by formal meeting with trade unions representatives.

Financial implications: Not applicable, recommendation is by Cabinet with decision reserved solely for County Council


  • Existing KCC Medium Term Plan 2007-10  
  • CSR 2007  
  • Announcements by HM Treasury  
  • Autumn Budget Statement, Cabinet 17 September 2007  
  • Update on CSR 2007  
  • Local government provision finance settlement and review of corporate budget strategy, Cabinet 3 December