Declarations of interest
Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Declarations of Members' Interest relating to items on today's Agenda'
- Alan Chell - Non Pecuniary - Mr Chell declared that he was a school governor
- Gary Cooke - Non Pecuniary - Mr Cooke declared that he was a school governor
- Harold Craske - Non Pecuniary - Mr Craske made a declaration regarding Item D2 that this wife was a governor at Ifield School, Gravesend. (Mrs Stockell, Mr Vye, Mr Chell, Mr Cubitt, Mr Tolputt, Mr Cooke, Mr Craske declared that they were governors of Kent schools)
- John Cubitt - Non Pecuniary - Mr Cubitt declared that he was a school governor
- Martin Vye - Non Pecuniary - Mr Vye declared that he was a school governor
- Paulina Stockell - Non Pecuniary - Mrs Stockell declared that she was a school governor
- Roland Tolputt - Non Pecuniary - Mr Tolputt declared that he was a school governor