Venue: Swale 1, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. View directions
Contact: Peter Sass
01622 694002
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Minutes - 25 July 2013 PDF 28 KB
RESOLVED that the minutes
of the meeting held on 25 July 2013 be approved as a correct record
and signed by the Chairman.
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Review of the County Council Elections 2013 PDF 79 KB
(1) Mr Wild introduced a
report, which assessed the role and responsibilities of the County
Returning Officer (CRO) in co-ordinating the County Council
Elections in May 2013 and made a number of recommendations as to
future practice.
(2) Members discussed
the report and a number of points were made including the
- Reference was made to the good
working relationships that had been developed with the Districts
through work on the elections.
- Mr Wild confirmed that there was no
government funding for the elections.
In the past the costs had been shared when other elections had been
held on the same day but this was not the case in 2013 and so the
County Council had borne the whole cost.
- The achievement of ensuring the
submission of all agents’ spending returns and
candidates’ declarations by 25 July 2013 was commended.
- Mr Wild informed the Committee that
a person had been charged with an electoral office in relation to
the nomination process and this case had been referred to the Crown
Prosecution Service.
- In relation to security of postal
votes, Mr Wild confirmed that all election officers across Kent had
been on high alert and very close checks were carried out on all
postal votes received. There was a
balance to be struck between the low turnout in elections and
engaging the community to vote in the most accessible way and that
postal voting was one way of achieving this.
(3) The Committee
expressed their thanks for Mr Wild and his team for the work that
they had carried out in the 18 month period in the run up to the
(4) RESOLVED that the
actions of the County Returning Officer in conducting the 2013
County Council Elections, as set out in the report, be noted and
endorsed and that the Chairman send letters on behalf of the
Committee to officers who had contributed to the success of the
election process.
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Electoral Review of Kent County Council's Area PDF 28 KB
Additional documents:
(1) Mr Wild submitted a
report which updated the Committee on the Local
Government Boundary Commission for England’s (LGBCE)
Electoral Review of Kent County Council’s area.
(2) The Chairman and Mr Wild
updated the Committee on the meeting that had been held with
representatives of LGBCE on 17 September 2013. The key points that had come from this meeting
- There were eight other County
Councils going through a similar process.
- Electoral Divisions were not allowed
to cut across District Council boundaries.
- There would in effect be twelve
separate individual reviews, as the electoral divisions needed to
be co-terminus with District boundaries. This would then make up the picture for the whole
- The Council could form a view on
whether it wished to recommend that there be only single Member
divisions or whether some two Member divisions would be
- Representatives from the LGBCE would
give a briefing to all Members on the afternoon of the March 2014
meeting of the County Council and had asked to meet with all Group
Leaders before the start of the County Council meeting on that
- Tentative timetable for the
- County Council to
submit its initial recommendations by July 2014
- LBGCE publish their
recommendations on divisional patterns in September 2014 with a 12
week consultation period.
- Draft recommendations
published by LBGCE in February 2015, with a consultation period
from March to May 2015.
- Final recommendations
published in July 2015.
- Commissions
recommendations laid before Parliament in October 2015 (Parliament
can either accept or reject the recommendations).
- Review complete by
early 2016 – LBGCE to sign off new arrangement which would
come into effect for Elections in 2017.
- The Lead Commissioner for the Kent
review would be Sir Tony Redmond.
- At one level the aim of the review
was to ensure that each electoral division had the same number of
electorate and therefore was broadly a mathematical exercise.
However, the review would also take account of other factors such
as community identity.
- The County Council could have as
much or as little input in to the review as Members
wished. Input could be given either by
the County Council as a whole and/or individuals or groups could
submit information or data regarding the size of divisions and
numbers etc.
- If the County Council was of one
mind and resolved to support a single recommendation, it would
carry more weight than individual submissions, but it would need to
be evidence based. Evidence to the Commission could come from a
number of sources. The County Council had no right to dictate the
course of the review but had an opportunity to put together their
views and submit them in advance of the general
- In relation to community identity,
it would not be as relevant in the review of County divisions as it
would be in relation to a district ward review.
- The LGBCE wanted to dispel the myth
that they were working to an agenda of establishing fewer County
divisions but they ...
view the full minutes text for item 9.
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Swale Community Governance Review PDF 25 KB
Additional documents:
(1) The Committee
received a report on the Swale Community Governance
Review and the current consultation, which would close on 1 October
(2) RESOLVED: that the
Committee note the Swale Community Governance review and confirm
that it did not wish submit any comments.
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That under Section 100A of the
Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the
meeting for the following business on the grounds that it involves
the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph
1 of part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.
this item the meeting is likely NOT to be open to the press and
RESOLVED that under Section
100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) the press and
public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting on the grounds
that the report involves the likely disclosure of exempt
information as defined in paragraphs 1, 2 and 4 of part 1 of
Schedule 12A of the Act.
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County Returning Officer remuneration
Director of Governance and Law, and the Democratic Services Manager
(Council) withdrew from the meeting for this item)
Corporate Director of Human Resources, Ms Beer joined the meeting
for this item)
Public Summary of
the Exempt Minute:
Mrs Beer introduced a report
which invited the Committee to confirm
the current designation of the office of County Returning Officer
and consider the basis of payment for the role in relation to
County Council Elections and By-elections.
The Committee agreed
to retain an individual as County Returning Officer and agreed the
level of remuneration.