Venue: Council Chamber, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. View directions
Contact: Andrew Tait 03000 416749
No. | Item |
Minutes - 1 July 2021 Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that subject to the addition of Mr N J Collor as KCC’s representative on the Duke of York Royal Military School, the Minutes of the meeting held on 1 July 2021 are correctly recorded and that they be signed by the Chairman. |
Monitoring Officer's Oral Update Additional documents: Minutes: (1) The General Counsel confirmed that the changes proposed to the Governance and Audit Committee’s Terms of Reference had been agreed by the County Council. He also confirmed that the future of Sessions House had been considered by the Policy and Resources Cabinet Committee.
(2) The General Counsel then said that it was intended to provide training on GDPR. This was particularly important for newly elected Members.
(3) A questionnaire on induction training was due to be sent to all Members by the Monitoring Officer. The outcome would be reported to a future meeting of the Committee. Meanwhile, Members should continue to send individual or Group requests to Democratic Services.
(4) RESOLVED that the report be noted. |
Appointments to Outside Bodies Additional documents:
Minutes: (1) The General Counsel reported that, having considered the articles provided by Rochester Bridge Trust, he was now able to advise that the Committee could appoint a non – Member as the County Council’s representative.
(2) The Democratic Services Officer reported that the North Kent AONB JAC had agreed to the County Council having two representatives.
(3) The Committee noted that the Museum of Kent Life Trust and the Swale Rural Forum no longer existed.
(4) The Committee asked the General Counsel to investigate whether it was permissible to appoint a non- Member to the John Wallis CE Academy. If so, it would wish the General Counsel to appoint Mr Dara Farrell.
(5) The Committee agreed that any outstanding appointments would be made by the General Counsel following consultation with the political Groups.
(6) The Committee either made or confirmed the following appointments:-
- ACCESS Joint Committee: Mr C Simkins - Action for Communities in Rural Kent (ACRK) Community Halls Committee: Mr B J Sweetland - ACRK Community Rail Partnership Steering Group: Mr D L Brazier, Mr D Watkins and Mr J Wright - ACRK Management Committee: Mr C Simkins - Gatwick Airport Consultative Committee: Mr D L Brazier (Mr D Watkins – substitute) - High Weald AONB: Mr T Hills - Hugh and Montague Leney Award Trust: Mr S C Manion - Kent Association of Local Councils: Mr H Rayner - Kent Big Society Investment Panel: Mr M Hill, Mrs S V Hohler (1 vacancy to be filled by an Opposition Group) - Kent County Playing Fields Association: Mr B J Sweetland - Kent Downs AONB: Mr H Rayner and Miss S C Carey. - Kent International Airport Consultative Committee: Mr R A Marsh - Kent Music Board of Directors: Mrs S V Hohler and Mrs S Hamilton - LGA Coastal Issues Special Interest Group: Mr T Hills - LGA County Councils Network: Mr R W Gough, Mr P J Oakford, Dr L Sullivan, Mr A Hook - LGA Children and Young Persons Board: Mr R W Gough - LGA General Assembly: Mr R W Gough (12 votes), Mr P J Oakford (2 vacancies to be filled by the Opposition Groups) - LGA Public Transport Consortium: Mr D L Brazier (1 vacancy to be fille by the Opposition Groups) - Medway NHS Foundation Trust: Mr J Wright - Rochester Airport Consultative Committee: Mr R A Marsh - Rochester Bridge Trust: Mrs S V Hohler and Mr M A C Balfour - Environment Agency Southern Regional Flood and Coastal Committee: Mr T Hills, Mr N J Collor, Mrs L Parfitt-Reid - South East Employers: Mr R Love, Mr B J Sweetland (1 vacancy to be filled by the Opposition Groups) - Aylesham and District Community Workshop Trust: Mr S C Manion - Bensted’s Charity: Mr A Hook and Mr R Lehmann - Biggin Hill Airport Consultative Committee: Mr N J D Chard - Dover Roman Painted Homes: Mr N J Collor - Duke of York Military ... view the full minutes text for item 15. |