Agenda and minutes

Scrutiny Committee - Thursday, 20th April, 2023 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. View directions

Contact: Anna Taylor  03000 416478


No. Item


Declarations of Interests by Members in items on the Agenda for this Meeting

Additional documents:


No declarations were made.


Decision 23/00015 - Family Hub Transformation Funding pdf icon PDF 278 KB

Additional documents:


1.    The Chairman introduced the item and invited the proposer of the call-in, Mr Brady, to provide an overview of the reasons for his call-in. Mr Hood as the seconder was also invited to speak.


2.    Mr Brady presented the reasons from his call-in. He explained that he had called the decision in on the grounds that its aims and outcomes had not been properly explained. He stated that Children's, Young People and Education Cabinet Committee should have been provided with additional information, including comprehensive delivery plans, which would have allowed Members the opportunity to fully review the proposed decision and advise the Cabinet Member. He noted that Scrutiny Committee had been provided with additional information which the Cabinet Committee did not receive at their March meeting. It was further noted that the responsible officer had been sent a series of questions, which the Cabinet Member had assured would be answered and circulated to the Cabinet Committee and were only provided following the decision being taken. He concluded by asserting that Members needed reassurance that the aims and outcomes of decision were a positive development and would provide the best option for children and families in Kent. Mr Hood added that the outcomes of the decision were not clearly presented, noting that the report acknowledged that KCC was still exploring how it could deliver the programme. He stated that it was important for the extent of face-to-face service delivery to be defined, including the related estate requirement. He asked how many other councils were in the same position and for assurance that the Cabinet Committee would be given the opportunity to monitor the progress made implementing the decision.


3.    The Chairman invited Mrs Chandler to respond. Mrs Chandler addressed the information presented to Children's, Young People and Education Cabinet Committee, explaining that due to deadlines set by the Department for Education (DfE)and ongoing criteria development further information was now available, which was not available at the time of the Cabinet Committee’s consideration. She reassured Members that the Cabinet Committee were provided with the latest information available at the time. She explained that further information had been provided to Scrutiny to provide Members with an up-to-date overview of developments. She reminded the Committee that further key decisions on Family Hubs transformation were expected and gave assurance that they would follow the Council’s decision-making processes, including consideration by the Children's, Young People and Education Cabinet Committee before a decision was taken. It was noted that this would be subject to any deadlines imposed by DfE.


4.    Mrs Chandler reminded Members that the information provided to the Committee went beyond the information which was considered for and accompanied the decision in question and was intended to further inform Members.


5.    Mr Collins responded to the questions asked by call-in proposer and seconder in their opening statements, confirming that: KCC’s exact funding allocation was agreed by the DfE in March 2023; and there were 75 Family Hub transformation authorities nationally, including 14 trail  ...  view the full minutes text for item 84.