Venue: Council Chamber, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone
Contact: Emily Kennedy 03000 419625
No. | Item |
Apologies and Substitutes To receive apologies for absence and notification of any substitutes present Additional documents: Minutes: Mr Hills was in present virtually and Mr Baldock joined the meeting virtually at 12:30pm.
There were no apologies for absence. |
Declarations of Interest Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes of the meeting held on 21 May 2024 Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held 21 May 2024 were a correct record and that a paper copy be signed by the Chair. |
Southern Water presentation Additional documents: Minutes: Angus Cramp and John Mealey from Southern Water presented to the committee (presentation attached). |
Directorate Dashboard To follow Additional documents: Minutes: Matt Wagner, Interim Chief Analyst was in attendance for this item
1) Mr Wagner introduced the report and said that it was the first dashboard for 2024/25. There were 17 key performance indicators (KPIs); 12 were rated green, 5 were rated amber and none were rated red.
EW1 : Percentage of statutory planning consultee responses submitted within 21 days had wrongly been marked as rated green in the summary on page 3 of Appendix 1. It was correctly marked as rated amber in the detailed section on page 8.
2) RESOLVED to note the Performance Dashboard.
Verbal Updates from Cabinet Members and Corporate Director Additional documents: Minutes: 1) Mr Thomas announced that the build of the Sevenoaks Dunbrick Waste Transfer Station was nearing completion and was to become operational by mid-September. The build commenced in July 2023 and the development was secured through a new leasing arrangement, which would enable sustainable waste disposal operations. With enhanced capacity that was fit for purpose, whilst accommodating government’s future legislative changes, it was designed to enable the recycling of more waste streams collected at the kerbside by Sevenoaks District Council and to ensure the statutory requirement of both disposal and collection authorities was met. The facility was to be officially opened by the KCC Chairman in early September.
KCC continued to expand its reuse activities at the Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs), collecting items in reuse containers at 8 of the HWRCs. In 2023, KCC diverted more than 156 tonnes to reuse. Working in partnership with Adult Social Care, the NHS and NRS Healthcare KCC had been trialling collecting care equipment such as walking sticks and frames at 4 of the HWRCs, last year recycling and reusing over 1,000 items. This was to be expanded to a further 2 HWRCs shortly. Finally, FCC had sent initial engagement packs out to find a charity partner to run KCC’s first ever reuse shop at the Allington HWRC.
As part of World Environment Day on 5 June, the Resource Management and Circular Economy Team undertook a volunteering day at the Church Marshes closed landfill site and Milton Creek Country Park next door.
The team were keen to support KCC’s environmental aims and carried out a litter pick and reed planting on site, as well as a guided nature walk led by one of the team to inform about the local biodiversity initiatives that had been undertaken.
The team had a duty to manage the closed site, and reed planting was part of a wastewater treatment system that helps protect and enhance the environment of the area. On the guided walk, the team could see the importance of pollinators as highlighted in our Plan Bee and left the day considering where wildflowers could be encouraged to grow on other areas of KCC’s estate.
Simon Springate, joined KCC at the beginning of July as the new Plan Bee Officer. The post was still seconded from the Bumblebee Conservation Trust, but had been made full time.
The Plan Tree Team capped off a fantastic season by planting another 40 rare, heritage variety, fruit trees from the highly esteemed National Fruit Collection (Grow at Brogdale) in schools and community orchards. The Team was also revisiting a sample of planting sites from the last three years of the Local Authority Treescape Fund to assess survival rates and increased biodiversity at the sites.
The decline of mature elm trees had also led to a decline in the White-letter Hairstreak butterfly. The Plan Tree Team would be joining forces with butterfly conservationists to record both the numbers of elms and butterflies across Kent. Mr Thomas invited Members to ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: Helen Shulver, Head of Environment and Matthew Smyth, Director for Environment and Circular Economy were in attendance for this item
1) Mr Thomas introduced the report.
2) Ms Shulver outlined the report.
3) Further to Members’ comments, it was noted that:
· There were concerns about the decline in biodiversity, pollution and housing developments on the High Weald.
4) RESOLVED to endorse the recommendation as outlined in the report. |
Annual Update on the Energy and Low Emissions Strategy Additional documents:
Minutes: Helen Shulver, Head of Environment and Matthew Smyth, Director for Environment and Circular Economy were in attendance for this item
1) Mr Thomas introduced the report.
2) Further to Members’ questions, it was noted that:
· LoCASE funding had ceased, and work was being undertaken to identify funding opportunities to support low carbon projects for businesses and a green finance strategy was being explored. · KCC were awaiting information about how county councils were to assist the government to meet legally binding commitments relating to the Net Zero. KCC also awaited information about the new government’s approach to nuclear energy and how this would affect Dungeness as a site for new nuclear energy.
3) RESOLVED to endorse the recommendation as outlined in the report.
Additional documents:
Minutes: 1) Mr Thomas introduced the report.
2) RESOLVED to endorse the recommendations. |
24/00066 - Local Flood Risk Management Strategy Additional documents:
Minutes: Max Tant, Flood and Water Manager and Matthew Smyth, Director for Environment and Circular Economy were in attendance for this item
1) Mr Thomas introduced the report.
2) Further to questions from Members, it was noted that:
· Concerns were raised about a lack of joint approach with other agencies and related plans. Some Members felt there was an opportunity for the strategy to have a broader scope.
2) RESOLVED to endorse the recommendations as outlined in the report. |
24/00065 - Mixed Dry Recycling Contract Additional documents:
Minutes: Matthew Smyth, Director for Environment and Circular Economy was in attendance for this item
1) Mr Thomas introduced the report.
2) Further to questions from Members, it was noted that:
· In the longer term, other options could be explored if circumstances changed but it was considered that the contract was the most advantageous way for the waste to be processed. · It was requested that the contract be discussed at the end of the 2 year period to see how well it has worked.
3) RESOLVED to endorse the recommendations as outlined in the report. |
24/00068 - KCC Heritage Conservation Strategy Revision - Change to Windmills Policy Additional documents:
Minutes: Lis Dyson, Heritage Conservation Manager and, Matthew Smyth, Director for Environment and Circular Economy were in attendance for this item
1) Mr Thomas introduced the report.
2) Mr Lewis proposed a motion and Mr Hood seconded:
i) That it be noted that the consultation undertaken shows 87% of 2,330 responses opposed the proposal to find alternative arrangements for the ownership and/or financial responsibility for KCC owned windmills. ii) The committee strongly recommend the continuation of KCC’s successful custodianship as the best way of securing their future; And; iii) that the strategy remains unchanged and the proposal for divestment of the assets is dropped.
3) Following debate, the motion was put to the vote and was declared LOST.
4) It was then proposed by Mr Rayner and seconded by Mr Dendor that the committee endorse the recommendation as outlined in the report. Members requested a recorded vote and the voting was as follows:
For (8)
Mr Harry Rayner Mr Crow Brown Mr Dendor Mr Robey Mr Sandhu Mr Bond Mr Collor Mr Hills
Against (6)
Mr Baldock Mr Chittenden Ms Dawkins Mr Holden Mr Hood Mr Lewis
Abstain (0)
5) The motion was declared CARRIED. |
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED to note the work programme. |