Decision type: Key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Division affected: Dover North;
Notice of proposed decision first published: 08/12/2014
Department: Education & Young People's Services
Contact: David Adams, Assistant Director Education (South Kent) 01233 898559 and 01622 694174 Email: Tel: 01233 898559, Kevin Shovelton, Director Education Planning & Access Email:
recommendationsand other consultation:
19 December2014: TheCabinet Memberfor Educationand Health Reform decided toissue aPublic Noticeto expandPortal HouseSchool by20 places.
8 July 2015: RESOLVED that the Education and Young People's Services Cabinet Committee endorse the decisionto be takenby theCabinetMember forEducationand HealthReform,to approve thefollowingcapitalprojects andallocatefunding fromthe Educationand Young People'sServices CapitalBudget, in thefollowingamounts,in orderthattheproposalsmay goahead:
£9mto the rebuildand expansionof PortalHouse School,Dover.
Financial implications: David Adams Area Education Officer – South Kent 01233 898559 Kevin Shovelton` Director of Education Planning and Access 01622 694174
Legal implications: 14/00141 14/00141 (b)